Wednesday, November 5, 2008

TEXT (delcaration and resolution)

Declaration :

who : LONG LIST OF PEOPLE that can be read at the end of the document, who refferred to themselves as "the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled" (last written paragraph)

AUDIENCE: British elite as in government, King and parliament

Who they represent: Obvious if they call themselves the "representatives of the United States of America"

WHAT IS BEING SAID: Their main point is that they plan to transform the government , such as switch or take power from Britain for many reasons that they have listed in the document.
"that these unites colonies are, and of right ought to be FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES'; that they are dissolved; and that , as free and independent states that all political connection between them and the states of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolves." (last paragraph)

How is it being said: Its being written with much authority such as when they say " we have warned them from time to time" in the second to last paragraph i was a little shocked to hear hat THEY the colonist of AMERICA took the guts to warn the British. They have taken authority, and yes in right mind are a little perturbed and even refer to the king as a "tyrant"( third paragraph), but they don't go over board. They are for the most part respectful and just saying it how it is.

JUSTIFICATION: There is a long list in the document but a quote to sum it up would be "the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let the facts be submitted to candid world" ( second paragraph) and then the list of what they believe has been done wrong , their support of this quote is listed.

WHO: Richard Henry Lee

AUDIENCE: similar and same to the first except its also back to the Representatives of America

REPRESENT: colonists..... or Virignia

WHAT IS BEING: The previous declaration is basically being restated but also added point that alliances should be made and a "confederation" as well

HOW: Basic, to the point, not much bias , just facts.

JUSTIFICATION : Does not show or describe any but i would be the same as the first declaration of independence article.

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