Thursday, November 20, 2008

Intro and Conclusion of new essay

Dont ask how i got the two end results first its just happened but please tell me what you think!

INTRO Freedom is all in the eye of the beholder. A man, who burns a government building due to supposed unjust causes, is one man’s freedom fighter and another man’s terrorist. Difference of opinion is inevitable, in future, present, and in past. In present times of the revolution, what freedom is has become a complicated thought that has put my colony of New Jersey and the remaining 12 colonies in conflicting groups of loyalists and patriots. "We have it in our power to begin the world over again ... 'Tis time to part" ( Cook A12) quoted from Thomas Pain when addressing an Patriot group referring to Britain. Patriots hope for a new beginning this is something identical to what I as loyalists hope for and believe the best way to begin is with sturdy support, with Britain by our side My view is that a common believe of the patriots is that the loyalists are in it for the money, or even view us as cowards, a way of giving up and retreating to the supposed strongest power. Truth be told, yes benefits are relevant as would be by choosing any side, this I do not deny, but we still have much to lose in the same. Which is where I fall into the conclusion that Great Britain has been proven worthy of our respect and loyalty and I believe by staying within their government, what the patriots and loyalists both wish to achieve will fall into place. To have economic freedom you must have an economy first, and without Britain ours would be nonexistent and due to their economic support, influences within my colony of New Jersey and neighboring ones and the irrationality shown by the patriots, my loyalty remains with Great Britian.

CONCLUSION My most persistent view that I hope will not be overlooked is "[T]hat the rebels sought the Whig ends of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; "( Economic Burden: Spark to the American Revolution? pg 82 ). We want the same thing! The patriots, showing their lack of readiness to control a government, has turned something that should have been a collaboration it into a sparing match! Yes money, protection, and authority within the colony had an affect on the loyalists group within our colony, this is in every way true but a view overlooked is that this revolution and division of the people was simply and naturally a difference in opinion. Yes, it’s a well known fact that many loyalists were wealthy and of a good ranking within their communities, they were happy where they were at so an automatic assumption was that therefore they saw no need for the change that the less fortunate did. But the truth is those who remained loyal did so with the possibility of the house being ransacked, torched an torn to bits and pieces. They had more to loose than most. Numerous of my old family friends like The Bayards, Doremus, Dr. Abraham L. Van Buskirk, Zabriskie , their families were wealthy and by choosing to stand up for what they what the felt to be the way to freedom they gave up more than most had. They choose where to stand “not for the government but for the right and freedom is represents” (The early years PAGE 3). When you see all those who claim “Freedom” the reason the spur into action, destroy homes and put families onto streets, I am pushed away from them towards the opposing side from what I’m seeing done by those who claim us “Tories”, and my future I will not willing place into their hands but into the ones whose empire has lasted and remained sturdy and shown their accuracy.

1 comment:

AustinGibbs said...

your stuff is good =] the only problem i saw is that you used "in" alot

my dad is kicking me off the comp so i got to go