Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Essay 2 reflection

---On this essay have been more able to ust write the content, write without the added "necklaces" as craige would put it. I was more able to identify what was necessary and waht was not, at least more than before and i hope better. According to me, my roughs started with less junk then my previous one. What ilike more about the first essay was the great amount of research time that we got, i wish i had that time this essay. I believe my structure would have been sturdier and just better composed to being with.
----What i id different was the way of editing and what i was looking for. I tried really hard to only put in words and sentences that were absoltuly needed. The structe of it was way different then then i have ever written. Thanks to a brillaint suggestion by Craig and i hope i pulled it off. I write my intro and conclusion first whish was odd. I'm afraid my conclusion was sloppy... my problem is a do tend to get sick of my writting and almost numb to it. I totally trashed my first rough which is not what i did my first essay at all and i have no idea if that was a good or bad thing.
----What is stil hard of course is knowing whats right or wrong. I mean I'm more confident, but still unsure. I think realizing the structure of an essay, the way it should flow, that made more sense to me this essay it kinda clicked for me. I hope I'll be able to recreate it next essay but... unsure. The essay as a whole was easier i flet more confident , felt like i needed less help BUT still shaky of course and i doubt ill ever be positive in writing.

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