Thursday, October 9, 2008

RUBRIC FOR 3rd debate.


Attention grabbing: 9 /10

Pethos: 19 /20

Logos: 19 /20

Ethos: 7 /10

Talks negatively/ sarcastically about other candidates: 10 /10

winner of debate/ domination: 8/10

Retaliating VS. responding & controlling: 8/10

Skill(fair overveiw for all issues, understadable explanation, thorough): 10 /10


Attention grabbing: 9/10

Pethos: 18 /20

Logos: 18 /20

Ethos: 10 /10

Talks negatively/ sarcastically about other candidates: 8/10

winner of debate/ domination: 8/10

Retaliating VS. responding & controlling: 9 /10

Skill(fair overveiw for all issues, understadable explanation, thorough): 8 /10

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